Efficiency analysis between an IGBT controller and a mosfet controller
Motor/ Inverter connection diagram. I used the second motor as a generator and to dump the energy i used water heaters seen in a picture below. I use a state of the art Power Analyzer PA3000 from Tektronix with 0.04% accuracy.
My small setup for testing motors and controllers, I have a very precise torque sensor with 0,1% accuracy Range is 0-500Nm and up to 8000 RPM
Paul Open source controller test results, using water cooling plate and 400AMP IGBT modules. Encoder angle was fine tuned until i got the best performance. Advanced angle Id current was adjusted but without any practical improvement.
Orange wave is phase voltage, and green line represents the current. Using Paul Open source controller
Even at low loads the efficiency parameters matched the simulation parameters in FEMM the software model. Results using Vesc controller using in sensorless mode. As we can observe the inverter efficiency is much better since is using mofets instead if the IFBT`s. The drive PWM frequency was set to 20khz. The motor efficiency is also better because the sinewave generated is much closer to a pure sinewave. The torque per amp constant in this case was better from 0,14Nm/Arms to 0,22Nm/Arms
Open source controller used to run my RED 130 motor in sensorless mode
Vesc open source controller driving the motor in sensorless mode.
The controller has automatically detected all the motor parameters including: Internal resistance, Inductance, Flux Linkage, Kp, Ki and observer gainWaveforms for all the 3 phases and the currentsVoltage Harmonics. As we can observe due to very careful slot pole design the third and the fifth harmonic are very small, negligible
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