I just finished a new controller for my electric scooter project.
The current is limited to 50Amp but it can sustain at least 80Amp.
It is also based on Mc33035 IC and it is capable to decode signal from the hall sensors.
Now i`m also building a new Go kart controller.I will use the same logic board as the scooter.
The board was designed in Eagle Cad:
The Brushless motor Controller Schematic: (command module)
I used photo resist PCB to make the circuit :
After that i used Ferric Chloride etchant to remove all the unnecessary cooper.
And the result was :
Here is a picture of my Homemade Electric Go Kart:
This is wicked sick. I’d like to build a 4.8 kw kart for racing purposes.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise!
Imi poti da pe mail toate schemele electrice dar si cateva detalii si sfaturi necesare pentru a realiza un kart ca al tau(respectiv de unde ai achizitionat motoarele,pret,etc? Multumesc.
Lasa-mi adresa ta de e-mail si te ajut
salut , am un proiect in care trebuie sa fac un contoler pentru un motor bldc care are o putere de 100 w .. ai putea sa ma ajuti cu o schema electrica ? multumesc !
Sal..as fi interesat de acest controler este si spre vanzare si care ar fi pretul
Hi Iulian,
Would you please send me the files?
Stimate domnule Iulian doresc sa imi transform masina si mi-am luat un motor de 25kw 48v 380A DC. Ma puteti ajuta cu celelalte componente (controler, panou sigurante, acceleratie etc.) pe care am vazut ca vi le-ati facut singur? Si sa imi spuneti cat ma costa. Multumesc anticipat!
What type of dc motor you used. and where can i buy this motor.
Hi, my name Thong
Im from Viet Nam
I have project with BLDC
I used MC33035 to control its. But i always get problem
so i will happy when u send me logic circuit diagrams u used
Thanks u so much
Thong lam duoc hok giup toi voi
Congratulations for project.
I live in the city of Florianópolis, southern Brazil, we have a difficulty to buy eletric motor scooter. His kart design, can also be used in a scooter.
why have you created JMP5, JMP4 outputs??
and where are they connected??
Is the same as above AM-1D1212 ( it`s a searated DC – DC suply voltage)
dc-dc converter is a must? please help…
Nice work and thanks for sharing. I’ve just started researching what it would take to make a self-balancing robot using brushless motors and found your project. I’m wondering if you would be able to tell me if your controller might be suitable. I think the main feature that is needed is torque control in either direction. So if it is moving forward but needs to slow down rapidly to maintain balance, a reverse torque signal would be given (ideally this would result in the charging of the battery). The switching of directions would have to be able to happen fairly rapidly to maintain a static balance.
The switching of the direction will occur instantaneous. you can maintain a certain speed regarding the load. Using the other IC in the schematic.
I would make brushless controller for my electic car with 10kw motor.
can I have original file of eagle?
why you used dc-dc?necessary?and for monitoring current u1(what is this?) transducer but I can’t see good the image
Hello, i love your controller and if it is not a problem then i am gonna use your plan for a electric bike. But why do you use so many mosfets, are they parallel and working in sync to spread the load, or do they work separate. And in your plan there is component IC4 7815 what is it,i don’t get any result when i google it. And IC3 4049D, also what is it. sorry for my ignorance i am just a novice. And is it possible to get a complete part list of the 24 Mosfets plan, if you please. Thanks…
Ic7815 is a voltage stabilizer and 4049 is a inverting logic gate
Thank you so much. But if the amperage upper limit is much lower than 50 amp, is it then okay to use only 12 mosfets…
More MosFets is always good, fewer is not ! If you delete transistors, the rest are left to carry higher current and will heat up more. Also, the leads of FET’s are going to be loaded more, wires are rated to carry only so much current. If you wish to use fewer FET’s you should find a substitute #’s maybe one with a larger case style which should have larger pins. Just be sure the specs are closely matched. These are TO 220 case, maybe using a TO247 case would be a good deal.
Salutare, de curiozitate ai o schema completa la proiectelul asta? Vreau sa-mi fac singurel un ESC care sa duca vreo 100 A (doar puls vreo 40 continuu – pentru un hexacopter mai solid) si poate ar fi un punct de pornire. Avand in vedere ca ai un load inductiv cum de nu ti-ai prajit MOSFETII , nu de alta dar nu vad diode la iesire care sa previna aparitia fenomenului de “avalansa”. Vad ca ai multi tranzistori in paralel, nu afecteaza in vreun fel timpii de rise/fall pentru ca practic ii maresti gate capacitor-ul? Oricum felicitari 🙂 si astept un raspuns pe mail daca ai timp.
Salut. Mosfeturile au nativ intre drena si sursa o dioda, asa ca nu e nevoie pentru back EMF.
Ai dreptate capacitatea de grila a mosfeturlor se aduna si creste timpul timerise si timpefall. Dar nu influinteaza cu nimic. Oricum mai am o rezistenta de 20 de ohmi care adauga si ea un timp suplimentar de incarcare.
Cu toate acestea la frecvente mici de pana in 16khz e complet neglijabil timpul. La 24Khz mosfetii se incalzesc un pic, dar asta la 100A aproape continuu. la 12Khz nu se incalzesc aproape deloc la 80A continuu.
Am mers cu controllere chinezesti care la 70A nu se incalzeau deloc. si vezi ce radiator minuscul aveau. de 4x4cm.
O zi buna
Hello, I’m Marco from Italy. I’m building an electric downhill bike with a Turnigy 80-100. Your controller is very interesting, I wanted to ask if you can send me the eaglefiles or pcb layout pdf files with the part list. Thanks in advance for your any response, good job!
Ok, i will send you my eagle files.
Ok thank you very much!
Hi Julian,
Is it possible to sent it also to me?
many thanks, nick
Thank you for you work, very interresting!
Can you share or send my your eagle files please?
Hi Julian, your work very interesting , do you mind if you can send it also to me ? Thank you very much 🙂
also can I have your email please ?
iulian.berca at gmail. com
Dear Julian,
Tannk you for share of a very good work.
Can you send me the Eagle files ?
the go-kart looks super cool.. great work… (y)
Also i was working with MC33035 for a small 250W motor.. where i was having some problems regarding the current sense input of the MC33035.
It’d be really helpful if you could tell me how you have used the current sensing
also if you can please send me the eagle files it’ll be of great help
Salut. Imi place ce-ai construit pe acolo, in special controllerul de burshless. Crezi ca ai putea sa imi faci si mie unul?
Hi mr. Berca Julian,
my name is Kukuh Saworo from Jakarta – Indonesia.
thank u for this experise sharing…wow.
I am doing electric car conversion right now. done built DC motor controller (brushed DC) 144V – 500A….
now, this is the time to start work with brushless DC and want to built the controller, I wil try to build the controller base on your design..
do you mind to share the program/firmware for the microcontroller?
is it possible to increase the current capabilities by adding some more mosets or IGBTs? is it also possible to increase working voltage?
I want to donate, can I send it throug pay pal?
thank you,
warm regards from Indonesia.
Kukuh Saworo
Hi! I’m Ian Ratio from the Philippines. First of all, your work had inspired me even greater in my study of engineering. I am actually planning to create an electronic cart and do you mind if you send me your eagle files of your project “brushless motor controller”. Your help will be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance
Hi Great build. I’m building a motor/generator to charge batteries and I need a controller (3 Phase). I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me the files to build your controller.
Thanks in advance
Montajul Dv. poate controla si pune in miscare un motor de modelism( brushles sensorless). Intentionez sa il folosec ca si motor de frezare la un CNC.
Multumesc, si daca se poate va rog sa ajutati si pe mine cu schema completa.
Poti sa ma ajuti cu o schema ptr un motor de 26v, 250 W, are 3 fire, si se roteste doar intr-un sens, cand il invart cu mana.Este de la o bicicleta electgrica, hub motor, in roata din fata.Multumesc!
Would you please detail how to buil go cart step by step
Would you please detail how to built go cart step by step
I have 48v 500watt brushles motor but I can’t buy controller in vietnam please Can you send me the Eagle files ? Thank you so so much . I want to diy it
Good afternoon. my name is john and I’m from Mallorca.
I’m working on the construction of a self-balancing electric unicycle
your design is the most suitable driver (I think) for my purpose,
Can you send me the schematic or files to build me one like yours?.
hello every boy.
I am learning about control sensorless brushless motor DC 3 phase.
you can simulate signal BEMF from motor.
It’s crazy, that was me to make it but always fail.
By the way, that really purpose and i’ll take go to make that thing.
Please permit to DIY this driver.
by the way, could we make a discuss. can you teach me about driver.
Hello Iulian !!!
Congratulation for your excellent electronic projects
an for the way that you share your achievements on the web.
I’m not and electronic engineer but I build many small electronic
circuits, this time I’m interested in build an electric car with BLSM
using inverter made with IGBT modules (80 to 100 KW).
Could you please tell me if you know where can I found schematics
that can handle these sort of power?.
Kind regards
George from Australia
Vreau sa fac o bicicleta electrica folosind motorul BL Outrunner ROXXY 4250/ 07 al carui curent nominal la 18,5V este de 40A si cel maxim de aproape 60A timp de 60 de secunde,iar ca sa mai scutesc niste bani,vreau sa construiesc eu regulatorul.Ma poti ajuta cu o schema (mai simpla decat cea de mai sus daca se poate )? Nu prea ma pricep,am mai facut pana acum regulatoare de turatie pentru motoarele de cc,incarcatoare li-ion,dar cam atat…Adresa mea de mail este ombladon2002@yahoo.com
Ai depus ceva munca……
dar rezultatele sunt exceptionale……
As dori sa stiu daca pentru motor ai utilizat la confectionarea rotorului respectiv a statorului metal obisnuit sau un aliaj pentru fi mai usor, chiar daca trebuie sa fie unul cu proprietati magnetice.
Am remarcat bobinajul efectuat , si banuiesc ca sirma de cupru emailat a fost aleasa pentru a rezistat la amperajul care trebuie sa o parcurga.
In timpul functionarii, motorul se incalzeste eexcesiv?
Ma gAndeam l preluarea acestei calduri pentru incalzirea autoturismului iarna….
hi how much to make a simple bldc circuit without no protection need your help
Salut. Mă numesc Adrian, și nu pot sa va spun cât de bucuros sunt sa va găsesc pe aici. Am și eu nevoie de ajutor în privința unei biciclete. Doar ca nu știu ce putere are motorul. Dar cel mai important este un controlador și un încărcător de bateri lifepo4. Controlatorul as dori sa fie cât de mare posibil. Dacă se poate sa fie de la 0-500amperi sau se poate și mai mare? Iar încărcătorul sa poată încarcă o baterie făcută din celule puse în serie și în paralel unde nu știu dacă trebuie făcută sa fie de 72v …120v etc. Aștept un răspuns pe mailu meu.
Bro, la 72v x 500A ai avea 50 de cai putere, iar la 120v, evident si mai multi. Cu acest calcul simplu : P=VxA poti afla de ce voltaje si amperaje ai nevoie. Dar pentru o bicicleta, mai mult de 3HP e overkill, mai ales ca din cate stiu esti limitat legal la 300W parca, deci, 0.5hp
Beton.eu construesc o bicicleta cu trei roti electrica am motorul de 36 v si 36 a dar vrea sa fac acelasi lucre care lai facut tu.poti sa mi dai pe mail ceva sfaturi si s chemele pe care le ai tu ca par iesite din comun.
Daca se poate bineinteles.
can u help mee.. im from indonesia
im not understanding … my task on class
my teacher give task.. built control motor e bike
i dont understand..
can u help mee. give a schematic..
Can you reach me on my Mail adresse? I am also building a brusless motor controller and I have some problems.
Hope you can help me.
I am developing the open loop control of bldc motor. I am using MC33035. My motor is rated for 24 100W and 3000 rpm. Can I use your circuit like the resistors, capacitors and drivers for my motor?
salut .. am un proiect in care trebuie sa fac un motor bldc . ai putea sa ma ajuti cu niste scheme electrice ? motoarele sunt alimentate la tensiune intre 7-12 v .. sau daca ai avea ceva scheme electrica pentru un motor care pe baza de franare sa se incarce o baterie . ms !
“Electric scooter Brushless controller” do you have a file to download it for CNC router ?
( march 3, eagle, dxf..etc )
Hello , can you share your eagle files with me if it is possible ? I am an engineer student and I am interested in your project.
Buna seara!
Am urmarit cu mare interes progresul pe care l-ati facut la acest controller si tot ce pot sa spun este ca sunt foarte impresionat.
Si eu sunt un pasionat de electronica (si toate noptile nedormite pe care le aduce). Vorbind de nopti nedormite, cred ca e ceva pe care nu am reusit sa-l deslusesc in privinta controller-ului. Am construit controller-ul dupa modelul dvs. si nu reusesc sa-l fac sa oscileze. Toate tensiunile sunt bune, semnalele ar trebui sa apara, dar cred ca se blocheaza pe undeva. Pinul Fault este activ high (nici o eroare), senzorii Hall la 120 grade (grade mecanice), tensiunea data de senzorul de curent este in limite rezonabile (peste 100mV, pana la 3.7V).
Am schimbat integratul MC33035 cu altul nou la gandul ca poate la montaj l-am incalzit prea mult (desi nu obisnuiesc, dar poate intampla), cu nici un chip nu am reusit sa il fac sa oscileze. Vreo idee in acest sens sau o parere mi-ar fi de mare ajutor.
Multumesc anticipat!
send me the step you built your controller. your work is awesome!
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Imi poti da pe mail toate schemele electrice dar si cateva detalii si sfaturi necesare pentru a realiza un kart
Dear Julian,
Could you share to me eagle and pcb files please. Your project is very good, thanks in advange.
Salut, excelent proiectul esti foarte tare, daca ai nevoie de ajutor la ceva am ceva timp la dispozitie. Eu am cautat de cumparat, un controler, dar as vrea sa construiesc unul ca sa-l pot face pentru cati amperi am eu nevoie.Imi poti spune daca controlerul are o limita inferioara de tensiune? adica merge si la 12 volti si la 60? Te rog frumos poti trimite schema completa pe email? Multumesc si spor la treaba.
Salut Iulian! Felicitari si succes !!
More MosFets is always good, fewer is not ! If you delete transistors, the rest are left to carry higher current and will heat up more. Also, the leads of FET’s are going to be loaded more, wires are rated to carry only so much current. If you wish to use fewer FET’s you should find a substitute #’s maybe one with a larger case style which should have larger pins. Just be sure the specs are closely matched. These are TO 220 case, maybe using a TO247 case would be a good deal.
Also as others have mentioned, I have questions about the IC on the MOSFET board. It was mentioned it was a Vreg? I will study the Schematic a little more to see if things start to make more sense. I was not able to blow up the photo to be able to read it clearly.
I am looking at your drawings and in the one you are showing a MC33039 as a converter I guess, in the section that covers the H Bridge MOSFETs driving the motor showing 3 sensors? It looks like you show N and P channel fets. This is confusing to me. It seems to me that using all of the same would work since the system is simply a series circuit from + through the windings of the motor to – . From what I gather on N and P channels is whether the supply V is either positive or neg. or dual rail. But since in this case, there is no neutral or negative rail, I don’t understand why you are drawing N and P channel symbols in your post. Can you please clarify what you are doing here? Send email so I don’t miss reply in this post if I don’t see it ?
Hi Mr. Tell me isn´t necessary to use the MC33039 for your project/schematics like others that have MC33035 IC? Thank you again.
is sensor hall using resistor pull up with signal -vcc?
Incerc sa dau de tine, doresc cateva sfaturi privind alegerea unor controllere sau proiectarea lor.
Hi and how are you dear sir i dont understand connection please all connection video or pdf connection provide please.