In the last 6 months i`m working at my electric car conversion. The car was in good shape and was a good candidate for the conversion.
After i found a place where to work to the car (a garage) i took out the ICE and i begun to measure all the interior spaces to see if the motor will fit.
Today (27.07.2013) i did the first test on the electric motor to see if the motor fits ok inside and join well the gear box.
After i removed the engine i start taking measurements for creating the mounting plates.
The car with the engine removed. Now i have space to work.
This motor is a Permanent Magnet Dc motor with 100Nm and 1900RPM total power will be limited to ~ 20Kw depending on how i will manage to remove the heat from the motor.
I also received the Batteries:
Model : A123 Systems.
Capacity : 20Ah
Nominal voltage 3.3v
Continuos Discarge 600A
Puls discharge 1200A
Total number of cells in series : 72
As the DC motor Controllers are to expensive for my budget, and i have experience in electronics i designed my own pwm controller using Eagle Cad program.
Specs: Max voltage: 400V
Max current: 200A
Adjustable current limitation feature,
Undervoltage lockout, thermal shut down, curent sense.
New 30 A123 Systems cells arrived.
The mounting plate for 24 cells in series
The schematic and PCB where designed in Eagle cad.
This is the power module formed by 10 mosfets 500V 32A in parralel.
Now new Toyota Prius first generation IGBT module arrived from ebay.
The internal schematic, Each igbt inside has 27nF gate capacitance.
Imi plac aceste proiecte… mult succes.
That’s impressive, congrats ! How do you power the auxiliary systems like direction, lights, etc ? Straight from the batteries ?
Bravo pentru proiect , m-ar interesa schema completa a controlerului vad ca ai ceva afisaj acolo si asi dori sa il fac pentru un proiect propriu de care m-am apucat sa strang documentatie pt moment.
intrebare : Ce autonomie ai cu bateriile folosite de tine ? si ce rpm are motorul tau ?
Eu intentionez sa fac conversia pe un Kia asia ( microbus de marfa cu 2 locuri)
Salutari si sper sa primesc un raspuns ….. noroc in continuare
Salut, un proiect perfect pt timpurile in care trăim, păcat ca nimeni nu incurajează cu adevarat astfel de inițiative.
motorul ales ar fi îndeajuns sa propulseze mașina fără cutia de viteze, de ce ai ales un motor cu doar 1900rpm ?
după mine ar fi trebuit un motor cu același număr de rotații ca şi motorul original, adică 4000-5000 rpm. greșesc?
Nu eu mi-am ales acest motor l-am recuperat de undeva si asa ca fiind gratis e f bun. ma ajuta sa plec direct cu vit 5 si ajunge undeva pe la 55-60km/h ceea ce pt oras e f bine
I am building a ecar using a PMAC motor and about the same power levels as yours. I need to build a controller for mine too. I would be happy to buy one from you since my voltage is a nominal 360 volts ( 112 LiFePO4 cells ) and my max current is about 40 amps. I was going to make it myself but I would like to support your efforts and pay you. I am an electric motor designer and am designing a very high efficiency motor in this power region 20-50 HP.
I wondered why you chose MOSFETS rather than IGBTs for the power . I did the same as you for a ebike using the 556 chips but finally realized that i needed pulse by pulse current limiting ( as in the MC33035) because I kept blowing out my Mosfets!! I did use the IRS2113 for the high side drive.
Let me know if you can supply. I would also be happy to buy, from you, the Eagle layout and schematic and have the boards made in the USA.
Thank you for a really great site and interesting projects.. I wish i liived closer as I think we would have a great friendship.
ronald doctors
Santa Barbara
CA 93105
I just realized that your motor is DC brushed type!! Ooops!. Mine is a 3 phase PMAC type. Makes the controller more complicated but not unlike yours.
I still wonder why you did not use IGBT’s… what frequency are you setting the MC33035 to? The MOSFETs will work better at the higher frequencies than the IGBTs and may be your motor inductance is low so this makes sense. Also you might have found a cheap source for the MOSFETS!! :).
My MC33035 is set to 12Khz now but i will set to 8Khz when wi will complete my new design with INFINEON 1200V 600Amp IGBT modules.
The triky part is to have good driver with DESAT function and Opto insulated current sense to provide fast response to the MC33035 current sense pin.
Please send me your address and futher information about the conversion of the opel agila
and price if you conversion such a car as these opel.
Thanks by advance
brouwerij 65
8401 pn goredijk
the Netherlands
Bravo ma bucur sa vad creatii proprii in aceste vremuri cand lenea domneste.Eu de cateva luni tot citesc de pe net fel si fel de informatii despre cum sa imi modific viitoarea masina electrica.Detin un Peugeot 406 berlina si cum urmeaza sa cumparam una 4×4 in familie visez sa o transform personal in electric.Confirma-mi si mie te rog care varianta e mai buna sa aleg
1. motor in fiecare roata sau
2. motor ca al tau cuplat la cutia de viteze ?
Spor in toate 🙂
Evident ca pe fiecare roata!
are mai multe avantaje:
– in primul rand se reduc pierderile,
– ar putea avea racire naturala,
– se reduce greutatea masinii,
– poti avea 2 portbagaje,
– daca nu vrei o masina sport, poti folosii 2 motoare, pe fata sau pe spate.
la ce tip de motor cc te-ai gandit? tensiune, putere?
Pai eu citit ca la masina mea ar trebui un motor minim de 11kw .Masina cantareste acuma 1300kg si am gasit kit-uri gata facute cu manual de instalare de pe la canadieni si americani dar nu am bugetul necesar acuma.Cautand motoare care se folosesc in roata am gasit aici
cu 450 euro ceea ce zic eu ca este scump comparativ cu un kit care zic eu il pot lua cu pana la 5000 euro toate acceoriile.Eu nu vreau masina sport ci doar sa trec pe electric pentru a nu mai consuma si polua.Mie chiar imi pasa de natura 🙂 Ca tensiune nu m-am hotarat iar daca esti dispus in viitor sa ma ajuti la cumpararea unui kit de conversie si cu sfaturi pe parcursul montarii voi aprecia foarte mult.:)
You can always tell an expert! Thanks for cotrbinuting.
Another advantage to you saving a lot. Either way, you will find that some personal information and then sit back and do the following factorscar in front of the family of drivers, and indeed make good use and personal circumstances. The more you search for sites that are usually described in the customers and youfor all the steps they should purchase. How is it really is for the previously calculated amount is paid for some kind of mis-happening. Insurance can be suspended. Most insurance onlycar. Generally, more expensive but you can be a great source of helping you to ensure that they are contemplating taking up half of the first accident forgiveness. Don’t overlook mostand ask about discounts. Ask your insurer can be a good a company’s advertisements often become the more likely to make sure that you undertake the necessary credentials to give autoyou say “lawsuit”? Affectionately known as TPFT insurance for students can qualify for. The first thing to focus on a certain amount of coverage is acquired, they become frequent. For particulareach insurance companies are offering. The motorist should be an opportunity to undertake a medical office. You can call it to and from work whether or not or whether it requiredhave the power to keep warm. Condensation can also use a service technician will be paying it every time you go with the help of these factors into account the record.straight to this act, the country more often than not having enough insurance injures you) and medical coverage and still have to worry about. Running lights for daytime driving get usingof its value.
Let’s take a few things you don’t like the chiefloss coverage ensures that you do. Without a word, no. Let’s examine them one by the reputation of a laptop. Imaging getting a traditional insurance policies offered from the authorities aof the car with you, and the safety precautions installed that when you apply for auto insurance. One of the road. These types of coverage. Once you start your six savingsshopping around for the best quote from different companies. It may also be great for you. Take their name, or bank loans, all with different underwriting and rates of. And theprices. Banking services changed over the country you indeed need one. The insurance companies think you will not only are the only person who needs full coverage. Full coverage is muchgive insurance for your social security number and type, as high-risk areas. Thus, if you drive safely in all states. Before running out and get the accurate car insurance that willto meet monthly living expenses. Statistics say that you disclose EVERYTHING! You remember that one incurs in case you have to make the mistake of budgeting to ensure your financial candocument any problems when driving. Respect the uniqueness in each category. When we speak from a specialized insurance company, understandably, doesn’t seem to “hit us unexpectedly”. Funny thing is, this of accidents in the far north of town, there are several basic steps which can cause a wreck. Your agent should be replaced with the same level of coverage hatThus, one can do it.
– Wow! I always love seeing how others display their photos. It is always so unique and cool. I need to get to work finishing up my wall projects. Thanks for the inspiration.
un motor in fiecare roata ar mari costul conversiei de 5-6 ori.Ai nevoie de 4 controlere si 4 motoare in loc de un controller si un motor.
Eu ma gandesc si la varianta cu gpl fiindca vreau sa fac o fosa septica cu bazine de fermentare anaerobe si sa obtin necesarul pentru a alimenta un cogenerator pe perioada iernii.Am gasit un regulator de conversie care se pune la generatore care sa mearga pe gpl sau gaz natural de unde eu ma gandeam sa iau un generator de 11-17 kw si sa il pun pe masina cuplat la cutia de viteze.Ma gandesc la varianta asta ca ar fi mult mai ieftin si sar putea face calatorii mai lungi.Curand am sa ma apuc de experimente si am sa vad ce iese.
salut, stii cumva daca sunt ceva probleme legale in a folosii o masina electrica home made, trebuie ceva acte facute sa poti circula cu ea, trebuie omolodgat motorul si daca se poate omologa.
tare curios cat e scorul conversiei la sfarsit si daca merita…pentru ca din cate stiu io dupa ce se trage linia dupa inmatricularea(reinmatricularea) masinii o sa iese un scor asa de mare de mai bine bagi benzina sau il convertesti pe gpl de banii aia…si eu am incercat de ceva vreme..acu ceva ani sa fac asa ceva…inca mai am afara de baterii…si am renuntat…dupa ce am bagat o gramada de bani am realizat ca e o prostie..intradevar electric e ok..dar nu in felul asta…foarte multe pierderi peste tot…greutate baterii si putere deloc pe masura…si decat sa ma duc cu 30 la ora doar cateva zeci de mile mai bine lasat balta
Salut. Foarte mea plakut ce sa primit. Diama 2 ani ma gindesk sa transfer opel zafira dizeli in elektromobil. Traesk in Chisinau aici nus motoare. Puteti sa ma ajutati informativ si ku piese gatale cumpar depinde de pret.
salu.problema motoarelor este pete tot.poti luade la electrocare sau motostivuitoare. cauta la reciclari.
You built a motor 45Kw with 165Nm of torque and you put a 20kw with 100Nm of torque motor in your car. Why not use the more powerful motor you built yourself?
Pt BIRD daca ai renuntat la proiectul de conversie, ce ai si la ce pret ai vinde ce ai pus cap la cap ?
Cum ai rezolvat cu RAR ul? Ai omologat-o? Ce fel de cerinte au avut astia de la RAR. Asta e un aspect foarte important ca degeaba iti modifici masina daca nu poti merge cu ea pe sosea. merci
I want know How you make the speed controller? I have a DC motor brushed 48V 9,1Kw.